World Wide Web Day is celebrated on August 1st every year. It is a global celebration dedicated to web browsing, the online activities that bring the world at our fingertips, and a wealth of knowledge at our feet.
“If there is no fundamental science then there is no basis for applied science. We have to strike a balance. 23 years ago the World Wide Web was born here. It has changed the world dramatically. – Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer”
History of World Wide Web Day
The World Wide Web (commonly called ‘WWW’ or simply the ‘Web’) is a global info medium which users can write and read via computers connected to the Internet. Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web in the year 1989 at the CERN center located in Geneva, as a way for him to interact with co-workers via hyperlinks. A quarter of a century later, WWW has become the principal means of transaction, interaction, and communication among humans, opening the door of possibility for people in ways that would have been unthinkable to the previous generations.

Other Celebrations on August 1
August 1 is also celebrated as
- National Girlfriends Day
- Respect for Parents Day
- Yorkshire Day
- International Childfree Day
- National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
- Rounds Resounding Day
- World Lung Cancer Day
- National Minority Donor Awareness Day
How to Celebrate the day
We can celebrate (WWW) World Wide Web Day by getting online, taking quick selfies to post on social platforms (like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, etc.,). We can also argue with trolls on the blogs, taking notes from the podcasts, holding VoIP meetings to discuss the weather, backing up our data to servers located across the world. People can also sync photos for the whole family members to see, book the doctor’s appointments online and express their views and ideas in discussions which are often about nothing.
Use the HashTag #WorldWideWebDay and Celebrate the day online. Celebrate other days with
Thanks for reading the post. Happy World Wide Web Day 2023.