Important days in February
Important days of other months
February 1
February 2
February 3
National Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day
Take Your Child To The Library Day
February 4
National Thank A Letter Carrier Day
Dump Your Significant Jerk Day
February 5
February 6
February 7
Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day
National Send A Card To A Friend Day
February 8
February 9
February 10
National Cream Cheese Brownie Day
February 11
National Get Out Your Guitar Day
National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
February 12
February 13
February 14
National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day
February 15
February 16
National Do a Grouch a Favor Day
February 17
National Random Act of Kindness Day
February 18
February 19
February 20
February 21
International Mother Language Day
February 22
National Cook a Sweet Potato Day
February 23
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
February 24
February 25
National Chocolate Covered Peanuts Day
February 26
National Tell A Fairy Tale Day
February 27
February 28
National Chocolate Souffle Day
February 29
February is the second month of the Julian Calendar and Gregorian Calendar, and it is the shortest month to have 28 days in common years and 29 days in the leap years (366 days). The word “February” is named after the Latin Word “Februum.” Numa Pompilius in 700BCE added the February Month to the calendar along with January to meet the requirement of the standard lunar year of 355 days. It becomes the second month of the year around 450 BCE, even though it was the last month of the year in the old Roman Calendar. In the Roman Calendar, the month of February was shortened to either 23 or 24 days at certain times, in which the 27-day intercalary month was added after February to realign the year with the seasons. At the reform of the Julian calendar, the intercalary month was removed and the leap years were added for every year. Thus February gained the 29th day in the leap years.
During the regular years, the first day of February month starts on the same day as of March and November. During leap years, the first day of the February month begins on the same day as of August. Violet is the birth flower for February and Amethyst is the birthstone for February. The amethyst symbolizes sincerity, piety, humility, and spiritual wisdom. Every day in February is attached to some special celebrations, holidays, festivals, and special observations. The important holidays, national days, and international days observed on every day of February 2024 are listed above.