World Kidney Day is celebrated on the second Thursday of every March. This year it will be celebrated on March 9. It is a global health campaign celebrated annually all over the world by focusing on the health of the major body organ and kidneys on reducing the occurrence of diseases like health problems. It is also commemorated worldwide on an annual basis on the 2nd Thursday of March. The celebration started in the year 2006 in 66 countries and automatically increased to become 88 countries. It all happened in just two years. Initially, it was celebrated by the joint committee of the International Society of Nephrology as well as the International Federation of Kidney Foundations. Already said that it is commemorated every year by health organizations on a global basis to raise awareness among people commonly that most kidney diseases are preventable and also were curable. Health agencies organize this campaign at several places to spread messages about kidney complications and their prevention as well as cure all over the countries.
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Grande
History of World Kidney Day
World Kidney Day was started in 2006 by the joint committee of the
- 2023 – Kidney Health for All – Preparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable
- 2022 – Kidney Health for All
- 2021 – Kidney Health for All.
- 2021 – Living Well with Kidney Disease
- 2020 – Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere
- 2019 – Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere
- 2018 – Kidneys & Women’s Health. Include, Value, Empower
- 2017 – Kidney Disease & Obesity. Healthy Lifestyle for Healthy Kidneys
- 2016 – Kidney Disease, Act Early to Prevent It!
- 2015 – Kidney Health for All
- 2014 – Chronic Kidney Disease and aging
- 2013 – Kidneys for Life – Stop Kidney Attack!
- 2012 – Donate – Kidneys for Life – Receive
- 2011 – Protect your kidneys: Save your heart
- 2010 – Protect your kidneys: Control diabetes
- 2009 – Protect your kidneys: Keep your pressure down
- 2008 – Your amazing organs!
- 2007 – CKD: Common, harmful and treatable
- 2006 – Are your kidneys OK!

Other Celebrations on March 9
March 9 is also celebrated as
- National Barbie Day
- National Meatball Day
- False Teeth Day
- National Get Over It Day
- National Crabmeat Day
How to Celebrate the Day
There are several ways available to celebrate the day. It can be celebrated by organizing the fundraisers to support the local free clinics regards kidney disease and the other public kidney sources. Take some extra care for your health and also your family members health. To promote awareness on social media, you can use the hashtag #WorldKidneyDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy World Kidney Day 2023.