National Watermelon Day is a fantastic day that falls on August 3 of every year. Watermelon is a tasty fruit; one would expect it to be scrumptious, juicy, and amazing. The watermelon conflicts and in every case surpasses that very assertion. The occurrence of so much water makes this melon an impressive addition to the fruit family. Watermelon is an excellent thirst quencher. Watermelon is one of the most important sources during the hot and dry season.
“These people couldn’t thank us enough. They had lost their employers, their homes, their cars, and here they were trying to give us what little bit they still had. One man had nothing but watermelon cut up, and he kept trying to give us some.” – Mark Bowden
History of National Watermelon Day
Watermelon is an old food it is introduced in tropical Africa. Historians have discovered evidence of watermelon cultivation as far back as 4000 years ago. There are around 300 various varieties of watermelon in the Mexico and US. You can find pink, red, yellow, and white varieties in different shapes and sizes. Watermelons are quite large, and many countries award the biggest watermelon. Some studies have said that the antioxidants in watermelon lycopene and carotenoid can reduce some risk of cancer. The hard rind around the edge gives a smoother feel, whereas kids are comfortable to hold, and the soft inner red fruit is easy to taste for both the children and even the older people. This big fruit deserves its big day. Sweet and tasty watermelon is one of the summer’s favorite fruit.

Other Celebrations on August 3
August 3 is also celebrated as
How To Celebrate National Watermelon Day
Eating the watermelon straight up is a great place to originate. To celebrate National Watermelon Day have some watermelon for dessert at dinner, slice it up, and eat it plain. Celebrate by having watermelon for the meals. You can have a big glass of watermelon juice for breakfast. Have a slice of the fruit as a snack all through the day. While going for a picnic, you can take some watermelon to enjoy the day by sitting on the lawn. All parts of the watermelon are edible so that everyone can taste it quickly. Cut up the watermelon, plate it up, add some sugar and enjoy the delight of sweetness. You can use the hashtag #WatermelonDay to post on social media.
Thank you for reading the post. You can feast every day with and Happy National Watermelon Day 2023.