National Typewriter Day is celebrated on June 23 of every year. The day is celebrated worldwide by enthusiasts as a time to embrace, promote, and share the use of typing machines. A typewriter is a mechanical device that allows users to type directly on a sheet of paper. Typewriter Day celebrates this humble device and the amazing pieces of literature it’s brought to us over the decades in 1868 by Americans Christopher Latham Sholes, Frank Haven Hall, Carlos Glidden, and Samuel W. Soule in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, although Sholes soon disowned the machine and refused to use, or even to recommend it.
“I remember visiting my grandmother Adele in Ponce Inlet, Florida, when I was three years old, and she had an IBM electric typewriter. I thought that this electric typewriter was a fascinating toy in the world – I liked the little bell and the sounds and the feel of the keys and especially the erase key.” – Gabrielle Zevin
History of National Typewriter Day
The exact origin and founder of National Typewriter Day are still unknown. But the day honors the anniversary granting of a patent to American inventor Christopher Latham Sholes in 1868. The day is celebrated around the world as Typewriter Day. So, take out your old typewriter from the garret, and get started on your magnum opus. Christopher Latham Sholes was the first one who marketed the typewriter to be commercially Sucess. It is also called the Sholes and Glidden typewriter or the Remington 1 typewriter, the device could only type uppercase letters.

Other Celebration on June 23
June 23 is also celebrated as
- International Olympic Day
- National Let It Go Day
- International Women in Engineering Day
- United Nations Public Service Day
- International Widows Day
- Log Cabin Day
How to Celebrate the day
Celebrate National Typewriter Day by organizing a typewriting contest, whoever types the fastest, and with the least number of errors will win the trophy. Show your typewriter pride by wearing typewriter-shaped jewelry. Avoid using your computer and email, type letters, and send them in the post. Share your thoughts about National Typewriter Day on social media by using the hashtag #NationalTypewriterDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Typewriter Day 2024.