Short Story Day is an annual celebration observed on December 21st of this year. Creativity in oneself decides how much talent a person possesses. Story-telling or making is one such creative skill that halts a person’s thought. Short stories are those tales that can be read within a few hours. You can let out your short story which you have kept in your mind for so long on this day. Tell your short story, and thereby it reduces the chaos of those people working hard to make the Christmas Festivus a grand success.
“A short story is something that you can hold in your mind. You can really analyze how the entire thing works, like a machine.” – Chuck Palahniuk
History of Short Story Day
The year at which Short Story Day has been first celebrated is unknown. There is no mention of the founder of this Day. It is an annual celebration that is observed on the first day of Winter. The celebration Day aims in bringing together the fans of the short story from across the world. A short story is fiction that can be read in one sitting. Short stories date back to oral storytelling traditions. The term short story in contemporary usage refers to a work of fiction that is no shorter than 1,000 words and no longer than 20,000 words. Short stories began from earlier oral storytelling in the 17th century. They don’t have any set length. The short story writers might describe their works as part of the artistic and personal expression of the form.

Other Celebrations on December 21
December 21 is also celebrated as
- Humbug Day
- Crossword Puzzle Day
- International Dalek Remembrance Day
- National Short Girl Appreciation Day
- Ribbon Candy Day
- Look on the Bright Side Day
- National Flashlight Day
- National Regifting Day
How to Celebrate the day
Celebrating Short Story Day is very simple. You can tell your short stories to your family member during your leisure hours of festive. Be more creative when you tell your short stories to your children. Take paper and pen, and bring your wild imagination into a short story. Not everyone in the world is born to be a writer and you can indulge yourself in reading short stories if you have no stories of your own. Encourage your children to become future short story makers by kinder their thoughts in letting out their creativity. Share your short stories on social media using the hashtag #ShortStoryDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy Short Story Day 2023.