National Scrabble Day is celebrated on April 13 of every year. The day is celebrated to praise the most popular board game named Scrabble, on the birthday of its inventor, Alfred Mosher Butts. Scrabble is a favorite word game where two to four players will score points by placing the tiles; every person will bear a single letter onto the gameboard which is split into a 15*15 grid of squares. Hence National Scrabble Day is a perfect day to celebrate the traditional board game with your family members or friends.
“Even if Scrabble had been invented then, I wouldn’t have wanted to play Scrabble, because the highest triple word score in the world would not have expressed how much I liked the game Natalie and I played every afternoon.” – Allan Sherman
History of the day
The creator or the inventor of National Scrabble Day is not found yet. But the day was celebrated on April 13 in honor of the birthday of Alfred Mosher Butts, the American architect, the founder, or inventor of the Scrabble game. The term “Scrabble” means grope frantically. The label “Scrabble” is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. The Scrabble game is sold in nearly 130 countries with 29 language versions. Over the world, almost a 150Million sets have been sold with sets found in virtually one-third of the homes of Americans. In 1984, the Scrabble game became a daytime game on NBC, and in 2004 it was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame. Some cities in the US will conduct Scrabble tournaments on the weekend days closest to National Scrabble Day.

Other Celebrations on April 13
April 13 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate the day
Celebrating National Scrabble Day is quite easy and simple to remember. Just play the Scrabble Game with your family members and friends. Take photos while playing and share them with others on social media’s using #ScrabbleDay. For more fun, organize a Scrabble-themed party and invite your friends and co-workers to that party.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Scrabble Day 2024.