National Roast Suckling Pig Day is an annual food feast celebrated on December 18th of every year. It’s been a perfect time to cook a fancy meal for your loved ones. Envy lovers from all over the world have yet another food fiesta during the holiday. Suckling Pig is a young piglet that is fed by its mother. Many of the Suckling Pig recipes are the traditional Christmas dish. National Roast Suckling Pig Day is a very special day for those who enjoy the tender and soft meat of young pigs.
“Our motto is we respect and honour the pigness of the pig and the chickenness of the chicken. That means not confining them in a house with hundreds of others.” – Joel Salatin
History of National Roast Suckling Pig Day
The history, origin, and founder of this day are not exactly known. A suckling pig is a young pig or a piglet which is still fed by its mother’s milk. In culinary contexts, it is a baby pig that is slaughtered between the ages of two to six weeks. It has not yet been weaned from its mother. The piglet will be traditionally roasted whole until the skin is crisp. The meat is tender, succulent, and pale, with an unusual texture. Hence, it is considered a delicacy when compared with the old pigs and is specially prepared for Christmas occasions. The Suckling pig can weigh between 8 to 30 pounds, with the lower weight range will make about 20 adult servings. A roasted pig will often be placed as the centerpiece of a massive feast. Various recipes of suckling pig can be traced back to Ancient Rome, China and there are many different varieties available in Western and Eastern cuisine.

Other Celebrations on December 18
December 18 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate National Roast Suckling Pig Day
The best way to celebrate the day is by eating the soft, delicate suckling pig that is roasted. You can order it for your family and friends from a restaurant to celebrate this Day. If you have enough patience and cooking skills, then with no doubt, you can prepare the roast suckling pig recipes in your home. It is important to know that cooking this suckling pig recipe is not very easy and quick to cook. Share your celebrations on social media using the hashtag #RoastSucklingPigDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Roast Suckling Pig Day 2023.