Poetry And The Creative Mind Day is an annual celebration held on April 19th. A creative mind is the birthplace of lots of interesting things including poetry. Most of us are introduced to the poems at a younger age, and we would have come across numerous of them from pre-school rhymes to the poems in the high school books. In every culture, poetry plays a major role in delivering valuable information in detail. Not everyone has that creative mind to present poetry in the most beautiful form, and thus it is vital to celebrate and honor those of its kind. Poetry And The Creative Mind Day is celebrated in a way to make people know the importance of poetry in their life.
“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” – Robert Frost
History of Poetry And The Creative Mind Day
The Poetry And The Creative Mind Day’s history, origin, and its first observance are unknown. But the poetry has long roots and is in existence for several centuries earlier. Poetry plays an important role in every culture, and its impacts can be seen on everyone who reads it. It is obvious that without those creative minds we would have known what poetry is. The term poetry defines the written form of literature that occurs with rhymes. Initially, poetry has been originated from folk songs and later involved lots of development. The poetry types are specific to particular cultures, genres, and languages in which the poet writes the poem. There are different structures of poetry present, and that includes Haikus, Sonnets, Acrostic, Concrete, Limericks, and thousands more. Poetry can also be written in free verse.

Other Celebrations on April 19
April 19 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate the day
On the day, you can take time to read out some of your poetry written by your favorite poet. If you are good at writing poetry, then go ahead to write it for which you feel like adorning. Express your thoughts through beautiful words and bring life to those phrases. Share your poetic thoughts with others to best celebrate this special Day of poetry. Open your high school books to look back on those poetries and reminisce your school days. Others can try writing poems as is the best time to let off your hesitation and write your own. Appreciate all the poets who have introduced you the poetry and their wonderful creative mind. Share your poetry and your views about this Day on social media using the hashtag #PoetryAndTheCreativeMindDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy Poetry And The Creative Mind Day 2023.