Patriots Day is observed every year on 11th September, This day is observed to pay tribute to those people who were killed or injured by the terrorist attack in the United States on 11th September 2001. This day is also referred to as 9/11. On 11th September of every year, American flags are flown at half-staff as directed by the president to pay tribute and honor those who lost their lives in the attack. At 8.46 AM (Eastern Daylight Time), many people also observed a moment of silence and pray for all the lives lost, as 8.46 AM was the time the 1st plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Even though the tragedy took place within the USA, the sorrow and grief experienced in reaction to the tragedy were shared across the world, and due to this reason, this Day is observed not only in the USA but all over the globe.
“Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward and freedom will be defended” – President George W. Bush.
History of Patriots Day
In 2002, President George W. Bush created Patriots Day. On 11th September 2001, 4 planes were hijacked by the terrorists and then intentionally crashed three of the planes into the New York Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, the two most important buildings in the US. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was planned to crash in Washington DC, but the passengers tried to take back control, and it collapsed into a field at Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This terrorist attack led to a huge loss of life, and the damage that these terrorists caused led to an immense impact on economics is the biggest terrorist attack ever to happen on United States soil. Almost 3000 people died in that attack, and during the collision at World Trade Center in Newyork, many courageous women and men from the emergency services endangered their own lives by trying to help the victims of the attacks, and about 411 lost their lives by trying to fight fires and save people. After this 9/11 attack, national security in the United States was highly increased, and President George W. Bush announced September 11th would be observed as Patriots Day in the year 2002 to pay tribute to those who were injured and died during that massive terrorist attack. Patriots Day is not an official holiday, schools and businesses do not shut, but few people and organizations may take leave to pray for the victims of the attacks.

Other Celebrations on September 11
September 11 is also celebrated as
- National Make Your Bed Day
- No News Is Good News Day
- National Hot Cross Bun Day
- National Boss/Employee Exchange Day
How to Celebrate Patriots Day
On Patriots Day, just take a few minutes and observe a moment of silence to pray for all those people who lost their lives and got injured during the 9/11 attacks. Also, post pictures and share your thoughts about the day with others on social media by using the hashtag #PatriotsDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy Patriots Day 2023.