National Nougat Day is an annual feast celebrated on March 26. Let it be white or black or brown, and it’s the perfect time to treat your sweet tooth with the ever-loved confection called Nougat. Forget the calories for a day and indulge yourself completely in tasting the nougat in every single bite of it. The roasted nuts with the chewy nature of nougat are the perfect combo that has been enjoyed by many candy and chocolate fans. National Nougat Day celebrates all kinds of nougats and those who are crazy fans of it. Fill up your mouth with uncountable nougat to make this celebration more enjoyable.
“Even with nougat, you can have a perfect moment.” – Terry Pratchett
History of National Nougat Day
The exact origin and history of the National Nougat Day are unknown. The founder and the year from when this Day has been in the celebration are also anonymous. However, the history of the nougat dates back several centuries earlier. Nougats are classified under a family of confections that are made with sugar or honey, roasted nuts, whipped egg whites, and sometimes chopped candied fruit is added. A variety of nuts include almonds, pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, and macadamia nuts. The nougat’s consistency is chewy, and it is often used in a variety of candy bars and chocolates.

The nougats are classified into three basic kinds and the most common being the white nougat. The early recipes of the white nougat date back to the 10th century and were probably borrowed from the Middle Eastern book in Baghdad, Central Asia. The brown nougat and the Viennese or German nougat are the other two variants. Nougat is prepared to be soft and chewy or hard and crunchy candy. The word nougat has come from the Occitan pan nogat, apparently coming from the Latin word panis nucatus ‘nut bread.’
Other Celebrations on March 26
March 26 is also celebrated as
How To Celebrate National Nougat Day
Celebrating National Nougat Day is very simple. Fill up your mouth with your favorite kind of nougats to start the celebration. You can even eat the candies filled with the nougat to add more sweetness. Get into a candy shop to know how many varieties of candies are filled with nougat. To make it more creative, you can prepare your homemade nougats by referring to any reliable source. Prepare it by adding all your favorite nuts and giving them to your family and friends to treat them. Research and find more about the nougat and how much of innovations have been evolved in its preparation. Share the National Nougat Day celebration on social media using the hashtag #NougatDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Nougat Day 2024.