National More Herbs, Less Salt Day comes on August 29 of every year. More Herbs, Less Salt Day helps you take a simple step to realign your diet by using herbs in home-cooked dishes in place of salt. It doesn’t take much space or effort to grow a variety of fresh herbs, and a little rosemary, thyme, mint, or other herbs can do just enough to enrich a dish like a large dose of salt.
“Diet food is not a meal its a medicine.” – Amit Kalantri,
History of National More Herbs, Less Salt Day
The origin of the founder of National More Herbs, Less Salt Day is still unknown. Eating less salt is an excellent idea for everyone despite age or overall health. Most Americans eat more processed foods than they should, which is the #1 culprit of adding additional salt to our diet but reducing salt is obvious when you add more flavor with fresh herbs. If you don’t have an herb garden, the good news is most grocery stores stock fresh herbs in the produce section. This time of year is perfect for fresh basil, cilantro, and parsley, but you can also find fresh rosemary, dill, sage, and other several herbs.

Other Celebrations on August 29
August 29 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate the Day
On this day, create awareness among the people about the importance of adding less salt to their food. Encourage your family members to add less salt to your food. You can also plant some herbs in your garden on this day. You can use the hashtag #NationalMoreHerbsLessSaltDay to spread awareness on social media.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National More Herbs, Less Salt Day 2023.