National CD Player Day is celebrated on October 1. Music collections have encountered some pretty severe changes throughout history, from Vinyl to 8-Track to Tape Recorder Cassette to CD, to MP3 Players, and onto our mobile phones. Arguably one of the biggest changes to occur in the music world was the CD, and an icon of this move was the CD Player. As soon as it joined the scene, cassette tapes were on their way to being a thing of the past, with CDs soon replacing all the clunky cartridges and coming packed full of unique features and more music than a cassette could hold!

History of National CD Player Day
The history of National CD Player Day is the history of the CD Player, and by extension, the CDs they play. Do you remember what CD stands for? We do! It’s Compact Disc, and it was one of the most innovative storage solutions ever built. A 1.2m thick disc of plastic with a spiral of data so tight it causes optical refraction to the disc viewer, creating a rainbow that, to us, is representative of the incredible variety of sounds that can be bound within.

In the year of 1982, the CD Player came home, produced by the Sony company, and set to make a huge change in the public consumption of media, especially sounds. The price was anything but reachable by an ordinary man, however, ranging in at 2,200 dollars, and the price of CDs being $33-$45, but that wasn’t set to last. Prices were dropping as technology improved, and in the year 1985 Dire Straits released their Brothers in Arms CD, and it quickly became the 1st to sell over a million copies. The CD Player was officially here to stay.
Other Celebrations on October 1
October 1 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate National CD Player Day
Well first off dig out your old Disc holder and dig your CDs out of the storage. Yeah, we know you probably have all your music and more stored on your hard disk, or up in the cloud storage, but on this CD Player Day it’s time to walk the paths of nostalgia back to an older, but still quite reliable, format. Remember those show your CDs some love on CD Player Day!
Share your experience on this day with the hashtag #NationalCDPlayerDay.
Thanks for visiting Happy National CD Player Day 2023!