National Name Yourself Day is celebrated on April 9 of every year. The day is for you to try a new name for one day. Take your own time and think about what name should fit you which is better than your own. Hence National Name Yourself Day is a perfect day to give yourself a new name for one day.
“What is in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” – William Shakespeare
History of the National Name Yourself Day
The origin and the creator or inventor of the day we’re still unknown. Names are an incredibly important part of welcoming a new child into the world. In some areas of the world, the names will not be given to the child until a certain time come. Then they will name traditionally. In the Catholic church, a special ceremony will be performed in providing a new member of the church a name. Those who were attending that ceremony must have at least one parent who is Catholic and will be expected that the child will be raised in the faith of Catholic. Some people may call you with some unique nicknames that you want to get rid of, then National Name Yourself Day gives an opportunity to come up with a more suitable name than that.

Other Celebrations on April 9
April 9 is also celebrated as
- National Cherish an Antique Day
- National Unicorn Day
- Winston Churchill Day
- International Be Kind To Lawyers Day
How to Celebrate the day
Celebrating the day is quite simple and easy to remember. Just a pick new name for one day that you like more than the original name. Then discuss with friends why you deserve or like a new name more than an old one. Then post your new name on social media by using the hashtag #NameYourselfDay.
Thank you for reading the post. Celebrate every day with and Happy National Name Yourself Day 2024.