National Lineman Appreciation Day is celebrated on April 18 of every year. The day celebrates the men and women who put their lives at risk to keep the power flowing through our home, school, office, hospital, etc., Lineman or Linesman is someone who installs and maintains the electrical energy, telephone, or telegraph lines. They are also called the line worker, Powerline Technician (PLT), or a power line worker. There is a difference between lineman and electrician. Lineman is those who work in outdoor installation and maintenance jobs while electricians are those who install and maintain the electrical wiring inside the buildings. Hence National Lineman Appreciation Day is a perfect day to thank the lineman who put their life at risk to keep the power flow.
History of National Lineman Appreciation Day
The National Lineman’s Appreciation Day was first recognized on April 10, 2013, by the U.S. Senate by Resolution S Res 95. In 1840, the occupation of Lineman started with the widespread of the telegraph. In trees, the line of telegraph can string, but the wooden poles are quickly adopted as the method of choice. During that time, those who set the wooden poles and strung the wire will be referred to as “lineman.” The word Lineman was continued in use with the creation of the telephone in 1870 and electrification in 1890. That new work of electrical power was more hazardous than the telegraphone work because of the risk of “Electrocution”. During 1890-1930, the linework was considered the more dangerous job. It leads to the labor organization formation to represent the workers and advocate for the safety of employees. Emerges the establishment of Apprenticeship Programs and safety standards from 1930. Lineman should use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for protection against inadvertent contact. The safety kit includes rubber gloves, rubber sleeves, bucket liners, and protective blankets.

Other Celebrations on April 18
April 18 is also celebrated as
- World Heritage Day
- Pet Owners Independence Day
- National Pinata Day
- National Columnists Day
- World Amateur Radio Day
How to Celebrate the Day
Just celebrate the day by thanking the locals, the lineman who put their lives at risk to keep the power flowing through our home, school, office, hospital, etc. Thank them on social media by using #LinemanAppreciationDay or #thankalineman.
Thank you for reading the post. Celebrate every day with and Happy National Lineman Appreciation Day 2024.