Happy Kiss Day is celebrated on February 13 of every year. Kiss Day is the Seventh Day of the Valentine’s Week 2024. A kiss is a gift that you can’t give without accepting a return gift. A single kiss on Kiss Day is always special, and couples remember this kiss for a long time. The kiss can speak a thousand words, and it can heal any wounds that infect the relationship. When words are not sufficient to show your emotions, let a gentle kiss do the rest of the talking for you. It says a lot about your love which rules over your heart. Kissing your loved ones is the most affectionate and loving way when it comes to show your love. The kiss is a way to express the sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, happiness, and much more.
History of Kiss Day
The creator or founder of Kiss Day is still unknown. It is the Seventh Day of the Valentine’s Week. It is thought that it began in the UK, but it became famous throughout the world. The Cultural connotations of kissing may vary widely across the world. Scientists and anthropologists have suggested two different theories of why humans kiss. The first theory is that kissing is a behavior that evolved from kiss feeding, where mothers fed their children chewed-up food through their mouths. The next theory implies that kissing is an instinct that humans have had throughout the history of humankind. On 13th February 2011, a Thai couple named Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarat held the record for the longest kiss. They locked lips and started their journey to break the longest kiss record. Later 46 hours and 24 minutes, they claimed a new record for the longest kiss in the world.
“Kiss On Hand=I Adore You, Kiss On Cheek=Lets Be Friends, Kiss On Neck=I Want You, Kiss On Lips=I Love You” Happy Kiss Day!

Valentines Week List
Valentine’s week starts on February 7 and ends on February 14. Here is the list of Valentine’s Week
February 7 | Rose Day |
February 8 | Propose Day |
February 9 | Chocolate Day |
February 10 | Teddy Day |
February 11 | Promise Day |
February 12 | Hug Day |
February 13 | Kiss Day |
February 14 | Valentines Day |
Happy Kiss Day 2024 Wishes
“A kiss is something you cannot give without taking and cannot take without giving.”
“Love is heat, you re sweet, when two lips meet, love is complete.”
“Kisses Spread Germs. Germs Are Hated… Come On Baby Kiss Me, Because I am Vaccinated,”
“Your Hugs and Kisses are like the Stars That Light Up my life When Things Get Dark!”
“I never thpought that love could feel like this. Then you changed my world with just one kiss.”
“When you are mine, I feel fine Thanks for making our love divine.”
“There are Tulips in my garden, there are Tulips in the perk, but nothing is more beautiful than our two lips meeting in the dark!“
“What Can Make Me Stop Kissing You, Wind, Rain, Or Sunshine? Nothing. A Day Without A Kiss Makes Me Sick.”
“A friend is always good to have, but a lover’s kiss is better than Angels raining down on me.”
“A KISS … Can Be A Comma (,) A Question Mark (?) Or An Exclamation Point (!) … That’s Basic Spelling That Every Woman Ought To Know.”
“A peach is a peach. A plum is a plum. A kiss is not a kiss unless it’s with tongues…”
“Kiss is fly from lips, Lips is wet also kiss, Don’t miss a kiss it is a valve of this.”
“I’m with you reading this, Looking at your eyes and your lips, Touching your lips softly with my fingertips. Making love to you in every kiss.”
Happy Kiss Day 2024 Images

How to Celebrate Kiss Day
Celebrating the day is quite easy and very simple to remember. Just wake up in the morning and kiss your partner gently to intimate the expression of love. When you kiss your partner for the first time, it’s a different feeling altogether. This is one day in Valentine’s week when you can express your emotions in a tender, comforting, and love-filled way. Then greet your friends with a kiss on their cheeks to show how much you love them. Make sure that you avoid onions and garlic on that day unless you want your loved one to avoid getting kisses from you. Post pictures and share Kiss Day celebrations on social media by using the hashtags #HappyKissDay or #KissDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy Kiss Day 2024 to all!