International Worker’s Day is celebrated on May 1 of every year. International Workers Day is also called Labour Day and May Day in some countries. The day is a celebration of laborers and the working classes which is promoted by the International labor movement, socialists, communists, and anarchists. Some other countries celebrate International Workers Day on another date that is significant to them, for example, the United States of America celebrates May Day on the first Monday of September. The day commonly sees the organized street demonstrations and marches by working people and their labor unions throughout most parts of the world.
“Workers do not strike every day, they cannot do that the way they function in the capitalist economy. The way they have to live by selling their labor power makes that impossible.” – Ernest Mandel
History of International Workers Day or Labour Day
As the labor movements and trade unions grew up at the beginning of the 19th century, trade unionists have chosen several days for the celebration of International Workers Day. In the U.S and Canada, a September holiday called Labour Day was proposed in the 1880s. Matthew Maguire, a machinist in 1882, introduced the Labour Day on the first Monday of September. Some people argue Peter J. McGuire suggested that day in the May of 1882. In 1887, Oregon was the first state in America to make the day an official public holiday. By the time it became an official federal holiday in 1894, nearly thirty U.S states had celebrated Labour Day. Thereby in 1887, the Labour Day was established in North America. The Day of May 1 (May Day) was chosen to commemorate the Haymarket affair in Chicago (when an unknown person threw a bomb at the police, who responded by opening fire on the workers, killing four of them) which occurred on the 4th May of 1886.

Happy Labour Day Wishes
“Labour is the ladder through which human dignity and creative excellence is expressed.” – Happy Labour Day!
“The highest pleasure to be got out of freedom, and having nothing to do, is labor.” – Happy International Workers Day!
“Labour leads to a painstaking journey; Only men of honour come out proud.” – Happy May Day!
“Shout out to all the labourers of the world to be proud of your profession even if you don’t make a huge sum of money everyday.” – Happy Labour Day!
“A very good wish and greetings to all the workers throughout the world on this May day.” – Happy International Workers Day!
“Celebrate workers; celebrate the existence and growth of every nation.” – Happy May Day!
“Men that live without labour live in solitary and with no dignity and true independence.” – Happy Labour Day!
“I know I don’t always say it, but thank you for working so hard for our family.” – Happy International Workers Day!
“Men are made stronger on realization that the helping hand they need is at the end of their own right arm.” – Happy May Day!
“Let’s celebrate the efforts of all labourers, Who built up this great land, To what it is now.” – Happy Workers Day!
Happy International Workers Day Images

Other Celebrations on May 1
May 1 is also celebrated as
- National Mother Goose Day
- National School Principals Day
- Lei Day
- National Purebred Dog Day
- Executive Coaching Day
- National New Homeowners Day
How to celebrate the day
Celebrating International Workers Day is quite easy and very simple to remember. A variety of events will be organized by the International Labour Organisation across the world. You can participate in those events. A variety of messages and news will be distributed by the TV channels and radio channels by saying Happy Labour Day among the people to increase social awareness about International Workers Day. You can spread awareness on social media by using the hashtags #InternationalWorkersDay, #HappyLabourDay, #Happyworkersday, #LabourDay2022, #HappyMayDay, and much more.
Thank you for reading the post. Celebrate every day with and Happy International Workers Day 2024.