International Dot Day is an annual event celebrated globally on September 15. Have you ever thought you were a creative person? Let the answer be yes or no, and you be a kid or an adult. You can let out your creativity or see how creative you are on this day. Yes, International Dot Day is a worldwide commemoration that celebrates the Creativity, Courage, and Collaboration of the millions of people who possess power and potential.
“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things.” – Steve Jobs
History of International Dot Day
On 2009, International Dot Day was first celebrated and the day was established by Terry Shay. The day is a celebration of creativity, courage, and collaboration. The children’s book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds is the inspiration behind the celebration. The Dot Day by Terry Shay was first celebrated when he introduced Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot to his classroom on September 15th-ish. Dot Day has spread from this one classroom to a worldwide celebration each year now. The observance of the day also encourages people to express their creativity irrespective of age. The inspiration for the day continues each year with the help of people just like you who express creativity.
People of all ages can re-discover the power and potential of creativity in all they do with a dot. Something that has started as a story in the pages of a book is now remodeling teaching and learning activities around the world. It also ignited a journey of self-discovery sharing and inspired countless children and adults around the world. The Dot is a picture book written and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds in the year 2003. The story is all about a girl named Vashti who says she cannot draw and later discovers her artistic talent. Terry Shay was her teacher who encouraged and inspired her to let go of her artistic nature.

When Vashti couldn’t trust herself, Terry Shay told her to make a mark and see where it took her. Now, Vashti draws a dot on paper, and her teacher asks her to sign it. The following week, Vashti was surprised to see her dot framed on display in the teacher’s office. On seeing it, she said that she could make a better dot than that. Thus, her simple dot has elaborated into colorful dots. She realized her artistic skills, and later in her life, she saw a boy who couldn’t draw a straight line, resulting in a whole new adventure.
Other Celebrations on September 15
September 15 is also celebrated as
- National Felt Hat Day
- National Greenpeace Day
- National Make a Hat Day
- International Day of Democracy
- International Grenache Day
- National Concussion Awareness Day
How to Celebrate International Dot Day
There are so many simple ways in which International Dot Day can be celebrated. Read the book The Dot to get inspiration. You can draw your dots on a piece of paper or the whiteboard to start it simple. Visit the official site of this day to get some inspirational pictures. You can even sign up online to download the Educator’s Handbook or get the Big Screen Books software that lets you create dot arts. Encourage children and adults to draw and bring out their artistic nature. You can post and share your news, photos, art, and videos or connect with people like you on social media using the hashtag #InternationalDotDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy International Dot Day 2023.