India Pale Ale Day is a global feast of craft beer, and it is celebrated on the first Thursday of August. The day was created to unite the voices of bloggers, brewers, and craft beer enthusiasts worldwide, and it is a universal movement. The day is commonly developed as a social media-based vacation and has since expanded into a worldwide party, boasting hundreds of Indian Pale Ale-themed events and feasting all over the world. India Pale Ale Day is an opportunity for all breweries, businesses, bloggers, and beer lovers to connect and share their love of craft beer. It is an occasion for the entire craft beer culture to combine forces and advocate craft beer through global awareness and higher education.
“[A] cold beer at the end of the day is the best thing life has to offer. Some choosy people say that a too cold beer doesn’t taste good, but I couldn’t disagree more. The first beer should be so cold you can’t even taste it. The second one should be a little less chilled, but I want that first one to be like ice. I want it to be so cold my temples throb with pain. This is my own personal preference of course.” – Haruki Murakami
History of India Pale Ale Day
This instance style represents the pinnacle of brewing innovation with its extensive spectrum of diverse brands, regional flavor variations, and subcategories, making it the perfect style to galvanize craft beer’s social voice. At the 2015 best American beer feast, the most entered style category was the American style Indian Pale Ale with 336 entries, the Imperial Pale Ale had the second-largest amount of entries at 208. Its accessibility and Popularity make the Indian Pale Ale the best inclusive style for brewers, consumers, and retailers to collectively feast. Getting involved is easy, and the only requirement is an appreciation for a great craft beer and a willingness to spread the word.

Other Celebrations on August 3
August 3 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate India Pale Ale Day
Organize an event in the brewery, restaurant, bar, bottle shop, home or office post the events on social media so that everyone can join this event. Become a craft beer steward in the community. Encourage beer craft drinkers to take a break from their normal beverage routine and join collective toast on India Pale Ale Day. Set a goal of converting at least a person if not the whole world of drinkers to India Pale Ale Lovers. You can use the hashtag #IndiaPaleAleDay to post on social media.
Thank you for reading the post. You can feast every day with and Happy India Pale Ale Day 2023.