National Hot Dog Day is celebrated on July 19 of every year. As the name suggests, the day revolves around eating hot dogs with your family members and friends. Hot Dogs is one of the most iconic food in America. Some of the activities like wiener dog races, face painting, and root beer chugging contests will also be conducted on that day.
“There is this myth, that America is a melting pot, but what happens in assimilation is that we end up deliberately choosing the American things – hot dogs and apple pie – and ignoring the Chinese offerings.” – Amy Tan
History of National Hot Dog Day
It was created by the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council to honor the all-American Hot Dogs. The National Hot Dog Day was first held in 1991, where a hot dog luncheon was served on Capitol Hill. From then, the day becomes the tradition to serve hot dogs to Capitol Hill staffers, agency officials, basketball legends, and lawmakers. In the 1880s, Antonoine Feuchtwanger in St. Louis, Missouri started to sell Hot Dogs. By the 1890’s it is believed that the German immigrant, Chris von der Ahe began to sell Hot Dogs at baseball games. From then they have been rooted heavily in American baseball culture. To honor the association between Hot Dogs and Baseball, the American Meat Institute invites every baseball players to attend the yearly celebration of National Hot Dog Day on Capitol Hill.

Other celebrations on July 19
July 19 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate the Day
The best way to celebrate the day is by serving yourself up a great meal with Hot Dog. Gather your family members and friends in your backyard and encourage them to bring their favorite Hot Dog and condiments. Share the stories of your first hot dog, and all the memories that you have around this perfect summertime treat. Don’t forget to take pictures while eating Hot Dog and share them with others on social media by using the hashtag #HotDogDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Hot Dog Day 2023.