Free Comic Book Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of May of every year. This year it falls on May 4. This day is a yearly promotional effort by the North American comic book industry to bring new readers into self-governing comic book stores. The day is celebrated for three primary purposes: To introduce everyone to the joys of reading comics, to thank current comic book buyers for their continued support, and to call back former comic book readers, to thank current comic book buyers for their continued support.
“I’m a huge, huge comic book fan. I love the superhero movies so much. If I had to be one of the Avengers, I would go with Thor. I would have to. I just think I look the part too much, and I’m a fan of all of them, but Thor would be something that I think I could put on. I think I could make it happen.” – Derek Theler
History of Free Comic Book Day
In 2001, Joe Field created the Free Comic Book Day while writing for a magazine of the comic enterprise; he noted that there had been a resurgence in buying in the wake of the recent surge of comic book franchise films. Society and finances were both looking favorably on this never-ending wealth of stories, and so it was that he suggested the foundation of a Free Comic Book Day to increase the fandom as wide as possible. On the opening of the 2002 Spider-Man film, the first Free Comic Book Day was held, hoping to ride the wave of promotion and all the hubbub running on about it in the news and other media sources.

Other Celebrations on May 4
May 4 is also celebrated as
- International Firefighters Day
- Petite And Proud Day
- National Candied Orange Peel Day
- Star Wars Day
- National Renewal Day
- Wildfire Community Preparedness Day
- Join Hands Day
How to celebrate the day
Celebrating the day is quite easy and very simple to remember. Just visit your local participating comic store and buy your favorite copy of a comic, it’s also your chance to promote the industry by making a purchase. Hence it is a perfect day to develop your mind and your knowledge of this fascinating hobby and source of stories. You can use the hashtag #FreeComicBookDay to express your feelings about the comic on social media.
Thank you for reading the post. Celebrate every day with and Happy Free Comic Book Day 2024.