World Fisheries Day is commemorated on November 21 of every year. World Fisheries Day is celebrated to draw attention to the problems related to fisheries like overfishing, unsustainable fishing techniques, habitat destruction, inadequate methods of fishing, and other threats to our freshwater and marine resources. Other than this, this day also tries to label the pollution problems in the coastal areas and the ocean. On this day the participating members will talk about these issues and come up with various corrective measures that can be executed.
“Through participation in experiential learning activities and action projects on this special day, young people can be encouraged to contribute to the health of aquatic ecosystems and the quality of life they support“- Dian Parmionova.
History of World Fisheries Day
The origin and history of World Fisheries Day are still unknown. It plays a vital role in developing fishing trade among the participating countries. On this day, the participating members will meet each other to share the methods of promoting the domain of fishing at a considerable level. Many fishing associations also become a part of this special day. Many new treaties and agreements will be signed by various nations to give fishing a high growth. Most of the countries that are into fisheries development are facing the issues of unequal distribution of fish stock. The reason for the insufficiency is the increasing world population and demand which is increasing exponentially. The member countries discuss all these problems on this day, and there should be a high level of cooperation among the participating countries so that a standard solution can be obtained.

Other Celebrations on November 21
November 21 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate World Fisheries Day
On this day, various rallies, drams, competitions, and workshops are organized around the world primarily by the fishing communities to create awareness among people. If you are interested in the fishing sector, then you can participate in these workshops and events to learn more about the fishing industry. Also, share pictures and create awareness about the day on social media using the hashtag #WorldFisheriesDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy World Fisheries Day 2023.