World Fish Migration Day is observed on the 21st of April of every year. The day is a one-day global-local celebration that is observed every year to raise awareness of the significance of restored river connections and migratory fish. Many migratory fishes make up an essential link in the food chain, and they play a very vital role in rich, productive, and healthy river systems. More than that these migratory fishes provide a significant food supply and livelihood for more than millions of people around the globe.
“What is a fish without a river? What is a bird without a tree to nest in? What is an Endangered Species Act without any enforcement mechanism to ensure their habitat is protected? It is nothing.” – Jay Inslee.
History of World Fish Migration Day
The World Fish Migration Day was started by a union of six organizations. This day is also sponsored and promoted by a few private companies and non-profit institutions. On WFMD, various organizations around the world will organize several events with the common theme of “CONNECTING FISH, RIVERS AND PEOPLE.” Migratory fishes are very severely threatened. The main reason for this is human-made barriers like dams, sluices, and weirs which disturb the natural rivers’ networks and prevent fish migration. Many fish species want to migrate to reproduce and to complete their regular life cycles. So the main aim of this day is to enhance the understanding of people about migratory fish, and the need for open rivers. The next step is to raise awareness among people around the world about the necessary measures we have to take to avoid this problem and safeguard and conserve these migratory fish species.

Other Celebrations on April 21
April 21 is also celebrated as
- American Red Cross Giving Day
- National Tea Day
- World Creativity and Innovation Day
- National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day
- Bulldogs are Beautiful Day
- National Kindergarten Day
- National Banana Day
- Thank You Thursday
How to Celebrate the day
On the day, participate in various events organized by organizations from around the world. These events are free to the public so, you can join in these events and share your ideas to protect migratory fish. Then post pictures and raise awareness about World Fish Migration Day with others on social media using the hashtag #WorldFishMigrationDay or #FishMigrationDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy World Fish Migration Day 2022.