World Fair Trade Day is celebrated on the second Saturday of every May. This year it will be celebrated on May 13. World Fair Trade Day is celebrated for connecting the customers and producers who are all around the world. The Day is celebrated by the World Fair Trade Association, which has the global authority on fair trade. The organization developed with more than 450 members from more than 75 countries all around the world. If you are willing to celebrate this day at your school, just browse the list of resources that are listed in its database, which are given under the topics “trade” or “Fair Trade”. If you want to know more about this just read the article on Trade, which will offer some introduction to some issues.
“It’s all about fair trade, and helping people eating locally grown stuff. We’re recycling everything. We’re trying to tour in the most conscious way possible, environmentally and socially.” – Andrew Dost
History of World Fair Trade Day
World’s Fair Trade association has created this day. The organization has simply developed for helping the small-scale producers at the heart of fair trade movements, then the contribution made by the association to make them healthy and brings them a sustainable community around the world. If you choose to purchase some of the authenticated fair trade goods, where you purchase will cast a vote for some small-scale farmers, producers, and artisans somewhere around the world. The fair trade movement was organized for empowering the farmers and make them earn a livelihood in the highly competitive global marketplace.

With the help of this organization, the trend tries to express to them to their family communities, and the environment. Nowadays, 80 % of the people in the world get fed by organic and regenerative farming practices just by using a fraction of the land.
Other Celebrations on May 13
- Top Gun Day
- National Frog Jumping Day
- Leprechaun Day
- World Bellydance Day
- International Hummus Day
- National Train Day
- National Windmill Day
How to Celebrate World Fair Trade Day
It can be celebrated in various countries across the world by conducting various events, challenges, and promotional activities. On this day the local producers and artisans will set their contributions made by Fair Trade initiatives. Here they often involve art and food, which helps them to make the event more colorful, with that it will be an unforgettable reminder of the success of their movement to date. Moreover, all the consumers were ready to agree on the Fair Trade options within their shopping. If you are willing to take part in the auspicious occasion, just research the working condition of the people all around the world it will be a good start. Then here you can able to share your thoughts about Fair Trade Movement on Social Media by using the hashtag #WorldFairTradeDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy World Fair Trade Day 2023.