Country Inn Bed & Breakfast Day is celebrated on October 5th. Get a home away from home by visiting new places. The day welcomes visitors from different locations by providing special events, information, and entertainment.
“As long as my voice is here, and there is a Holiday Inn waiting for me, then everything’s just swell.” – Tiny Tim
History of Country Inn Bed & Breakfast Day
The day was first celebrated in the year 2005. It is an occasion that originated in the West that welcomes visitors by giving special events, information, and entertainment. Travel around the world for a vacation. One can enjoy the hospitality from different locations on this day. Visiting places will bring you a new experience and introduce you to new people. Experience new things, customs, and traditions. Taste the new type of food or the cuisines of that location.

Other Celebrations on October 5
October 5 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate the Day
Plan for a location. Enjoy visiting new places with your family. Know about the history of that location before visiting. If you are unable to visit, then cook for your family. Post and share your celebrations on social media using the hashtag #CountryInnBed&BreakfastDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy Country Inn Bed & Breakfast Day 2023.