National Call Your Doctor Day is celebrated on the Second Tuesday of June every year. This year the day is celebrated on June 11. National Call Your Doctor Day is celebrated to remind everyone about the importance of medical checkups and also to remind young women to schedule their annual Well-Women Exam. This day is mainly celebrated to encourage women to take their regular checkups and also to care for themselves. On this day, Women are asked to call their doctor and schedule an appointment to check their health.
A fit, healthy body– that is the best fashion statement.
History of National Call Your Doctor Day
The day was founded by Bright Pink. Bright Pink is a non-profitable Women’s healthcare Organisation. They proposed the idea of making the second Tuesday a National day to Call Your Doctor and schedule an appointment to take their annual health checkup. The day was first celebrated in the year 2017. Women face many health issues nowadays. They forget to take care of their health and start doing things for their family. There are many health issues that woman faces, and it’s time to make their health good.

One of the major health issues women face is breast cancer. Without a regular checkup, cancer goes unnoticed. It will be tedious to remove the cancer cells from your body if it goes to the matured stage. Many organizations like Bright Pink have been motivating Women to take a regular checkups by simply booking an appointment at the nearest hospital. There are many easier ways to book an appointment nowadays. Go online, search for the nearest hospital, and schedule an appointment on this day.
Other Celebrations on June 11
June 11 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate the Day
It is very simple to celebrate this day. If you are a woman, call your nearest doctor and schedule an appointment to take your annual well-woman exam. If you are a male, then you encourage your family members to book an appointment. Encourage your friends and neighbors to call their doctors. Create awareness about this day and share it on social forums with the hashtag #NationalCallYourDoctorDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Call Your Doctor Day 2024!