Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day is celebrated every year on September 1st. It is a good time to show our love and appreciation to folks who make sure that our buildings are secure and up to code. I am sure the building, zoning, and other employees all around the globe face a lot of troubles every day, but today, September 1st, is the day for us to show our love and appreciation for them.
“We try to have the kind of a culture that doesn’t value excuses in the sense that when you’re supposed to accomplish something, and you’re at a high level, then your job is to accomplish it, in spite of difficulty. And you’re rewarded for dealing with that.” – Phil Libin, Co-Founder, former CEO of Evernote
History of Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day
The origin and history of Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day are not known, but this day is created to show respect and appreciation for this industry. If Building and Code are your fields, then chances are you don’t feel the love every day of the year, so live it up. Celebrate the day with your colleagues with a department lunch so that way you know you will be surrounded by people with similar tastes and fields, or possibly wear a smiley badge on all inspections you conduct today, September 1st. If you don’t work in the Building and Code field, then today is a good opportunity to show a little recognition and appreciation to those often overlooked people who ensure your building’s safety. Hence it is a chance to show our love to guys and girls who keep our buildings safe and secured.

Other Celebrations on September 1
September 1 is also celebrated as
- Emma M Nutt Day
- No Rhyme or Reason Day
- Letter Writing Day
- Bring Your Manners To Work Day
- National Lazy Mom’s Day
How to Celebrate the Day
Celebrate the day by sending a note of thanks or a box of chocolate to the company or person who performed your inspection to show you respect for their work, also share pictures and your thoughts about the day on social media with others using the hashtag #BuildingandCodeStaffAppreciationDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate daily with and Happy Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day 2023.