National Bouillabaisse Day is an annual feast celebrated on December 14. It is a fun foodie celebration, especially for Seafood lovers. Many French cuisines are a wonderful treat for those who are crazy about food. Bouillabaisse is one famous French cuisine which is a fish stew or soup. It is the most famous fish stew of the Mediterranean and originates from the port city of Marseilles. Bouillabaisse is one of my favorite dishes prepared with the sea ingredients like shellfish, mussels, sea urchins, and other similar kinds. Have a cup of Bouillabaisse soup to enjoy and celebrate the day.
“Bouillabaisse, this golden soup, this incomparable golden soup which embodies and concentrates all the aromas of our shores and which permeates, like an ecstasy, the stomachs of astonished gastronomes. Bouillabaisse is one of those classic dishes whose glory has encircled the world, and the miracle consists of this: there are as many bouillabaisses as there are good chefs or cordon bleus. Each brings to his own version his special touch.” – Curnonsky
History of National Bouillabaisse Day
The exact history, origin, and founder of National Bouillabaisse Day are unknown. Bouillabaisse is a tasty fish stew that originated in Marseilles, a large port city in Provence France, around 600 B.C. It is a stew or soup made by Marseille fishermen using the bony rockfish as they could not sell them in the restaurants and markets. The traditional bouillabaisse is prepared with at least three kinds of fish, typically red rascasse, sea robin, and European conger. It is also prepared with seafood ingredients like shellfish, mussels, sea urchins, spider crabs, velvet crabs, and octopus. The use of ingredients may vary depending on what fish are available. The fish variety may include cod, snapper, halibut, flounder, sea bass, monkfish, and more.

It also includes vegetables like onions, leeks, tomatoes, celery, and potatoes that are simmered together with the broth. Herbs and spices like garlic, basil, orange peel, saffron, and bay leaf are added to the soup for flavor. As Marseilles was a Greek colony, the stew was originally called “kakavia.” It is now an extremely popular French cuisine in the Mediterranean region. The bouillabaisse stew or soup is traditionally served with rouille. It is a sauce made with egg yolk, garlic, saffron, olive oil, cayenne pepper, and salt. The rouille sauce is used to spread onto toasted bread slices. Bouillabaisse is different from other fish soups in that it uses a selection of Provençal herbs and spices in the broth.
Other Celebrations on December 14
December 14 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate National Bouillabaisse Day
The best way to celebrate National Bouillabaisse Day is by having a cup of bouillabaisse stew. You can learn more about how to prepare bouillabaisse soup. Serve it hot with your favorite ingredients. It takes a lot of patience to prepare the soup. To make it simple, you can go to your favorite restaurant and order it. Enjoy the French dish with rouille sauce along with your family. Share your Bouillabaisse Day celebrations on social media using the hashtag #BouillabaisseDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Bouillabaisse Day 2023.