National Biological Clock Day is celebrated on April 28 of every year. Both women and men have a biological clock, and this clock influences their mood and behavior on an everyday basis. As your body has a biological clock, it knows when it is time to do things like wake up, goes to sleep, eat, etc. Not only human beings but also animals, plants, cyanobacteria, and fungi have a biological clock. The biological clock connected with our daily routines like sleeping and eating is known as “circadian rhythm.”
“The way we metabolize our experience of time influences our biological clock.” – Deepak Chopra.
History of National Biological Clock Day
The origin and history of National Biological Clock Day are not known. Circadian rhythm detects temperature, light, and various other environmental elements to influence hunger, alertness, motivation, and energy levels. The biological clock has 3 parts, the 1st part is the power to feel changes in temperature and light and these signs are helpful in setting the biological clock. The 2nd part of the biological clock is called “clock genes.” The 3rd part of the biological clock is called genes and this helps the biological clock control the activities of other genes. Hormone production, cell regeneration, brain wave activity, and various other biological processes are all organized by the biological clock with the help of these genes.

Other Celebrations on April 28
April 28 is also celebrated as
- National Blueberry Pie Day
- International Workers Memorial Day
- National Cubicle Day
- World Pinhole Photography Day
How to Celebrate the day
Waking up all night and sleeping late at night all these things will upset your biological clock. In today’s world, technology can affect the balance of the biological clock, so the best way to celebrate National Biological Clock Day is by following a systematic bedtime routine and eating regularly. Also, take some time to learn about the biological Clocks and share your thoughts about the day with others on social media using the hashtag #BiologicalClockDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Biological Clock Day 2024.