Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) is celebrated every year on the second Tuesday of October, and this year it falls on October 10. It is celebrated all around the world to honor the achievements of women in (STEM) science, technology, engineering, and maths. This day aims to encourage and support women who are already working in STEM, and it also encourages more girls to work in science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) careers. On this day various events are conducted across the world at which women in STEM give brief talks about their work or about other women who have inspired them or present different comedy or musical interludes with a STEM focus.
“I believe myself to possess a most singular combination of qualities exactly fitted to make me pre-eminently a discoverer of the hidden realities of nature” – Ada Lovelace.
History of Ada Lovelace Day
Ada Lovelace Day was created in the year 2009 by Suw Charman-Anderson and Ada Lovelace Day is formed to improve the profile of women in (STEM) science, technology, engineering, and maths and this day also encourage many women who work in science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) careers. The day is named after Ada Lovelace who is a powerful symbol for women in the modern world of technology, and she inspired a lot of women with her passion and vision for technology. She was introduced to Charles Babbage In the year 1833, and she helped him to invent a device called The Analytical Engine which is a predecessor of the modern computer. She and Charles Babbage worked together for many years to develop the Engine. Then, she gained popularity in the year 1842 when she elaborated on an article by an Italian mathematician. In that article, she mentioned the use of machines through the manipulation of symbols. Even though Charles Babbage had written programs before, Lovelace’s programs were the most ultimate and elaborate, and the 1st to be published, so he is mostly mentioned as the first computer programmer. She died at the age of 36 due to cancer, and the analytical Engine stayed as a dream for many until Ada Lovelace’s notes inspired Alan Turing to work on the 1st modern computers in the 1940s.

Other Celebrations on October 10
October 10 is also celebrated as
- National Cake Decorating Day
- World Porridge Day
- National Hug a Drummer Day
- World Homeless Day
- National Handbag Day
- World Mental Health Day
- SHIFT10 Day
How to Celebrate the Day
If you are one among many women who are interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths), then take Ada Lovelace Day as an opportunity to focus on STEM careers. Many events will be organized during the day all over the world; You can also participate in various activities and celebrations organized during this day. On this day take some time and learn about Ada Lovelace too. Then post pictures and share your thoughts on social media about the day by using the hashtag #AdaLovelaceDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy Ada Lovelace Day 2023.