Mickey Mouse Day is an annual celebration observed on November 18th each year, marking the birthday of the world-famous Disney…
Year: 2024
Occult Day is an annual observance celebrated on November 18th each year. The world we live in, along with the…
World Quality Day is celebrated every year on the second Thursday of November. This year, it will be observed on…
Operating Room Nurse Day is observed on November 14 each year to honor the vital role played by operating room…
National Spicy Guacamole Day is celebrated on November 14 each year, encouraging guacamole lovers to add a little heat to…
Loosen Up Lighten Up Day, also known as LuLu Day, is celebrated every year on November 14. This day reminds…
GIS Day is an annual event celebrated on the second Wednesday of November. In 2024, it will be observed on…
Sadie Hawkins Day is celebrated on November 13 each year. This event originated from Al Capp’s classic hillbilly comic strip…
World Kindness Day is observed annually on November 13. It was created to celebrate and promote kindness in all its…
Fancy Rat and Mouse Day is celebrated every year on November 12. Fancy rats belong to a family called Mus…