World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 of every year. The fact is that 783 million people around the world do not have proper access to clean water. Over 2.5 million people still do not have access to adequate sanitation facilities. This tragedy is one that people around the world are seeking to redress. United Nations had settled World Water Day; this indicates a day that people can focus on the several ways people can get involved in helping people to some dignity by claiming, and improving their health long-term by clean and safe water. Another type of water issue safeguarding aquatic ecosystems is marked every year. We need water in all its forms. It is a precious commodity that is taken for granted. World Water Day is a chance to think about those people and places where water needs are paramount and seek to work together to find a solution.
History of World Water Day
It is an international day to celebrate freshwater at the 1992 United Nations Conference and Development in Rio de Janeiro on an environment. The United Nations General Assembly was designated on 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day. It is indicates that people should focus on the several ways people can get involved in helping people by claiming and improving their health long-term by clean and safe water to some dignity and water needs paramount to work together to find a solution.

Themes of World Water Day
1994 – “Caring for our Water Resources is Everybody’s Business.”
1995 – “Women and Water.”
1996 – “Water for Thirsty Cities.”
1997 – “The World’s Water: Is there enough?”
1998 – “Groundwater – The Invisible Resource.”
1999 – “Everyone Lives Downstream.”
2000 – “Water for the 21st Century.”
2001 – “Water for Health.”
2002 – “Water for Development.”
2003 – “Water for Future.’
2004 – “Water and Disasters.”
2005 – “Water for Life Decade 2005 – 2015.”
2006 – “Water and Culture.”
2007 – “Coping With Water Scarcity.”
2008 – “Sanitation.”
2009 – “Trans Waters.”
2010 – “Clean Water for a Healthy World.”
2011 – “Water for cities: responding to the urban challenge.”
2012 – “Water and Food Security: The World is Thirsty Because We are Hungry.”
2013 – “International Year of Cooperation.”
2014 – “Water and Energy.”
2015 – “Water and Sustainable Development.”
2016 – “Better Water, Better Jobs.”
2017 – “Why Waste Water.”
2018 – “Nature for Water.”
2019 – “Leaving no one behind.”
2020 – “Water and Climate Change.”
2021 – “Valuing Water.”
2022 – “Groundwater, making the invisible visible.”
2023 – “Accelerating the change to solve the water and sanitation crisis.”
2024 – “Water for Peace.”
Other Celebrations on March 22
How to Celebrate the Day
Throughout the world, the day is celebrated to increase people’s awareness of the importance of water in various fields of life, including the environment, trade, health, and agriculture. Celebrate by organizing a variety of events like visual art, musical celebrations of water, excursions to the local lakes, rivers, and reservoirs, ponds symposiums at local, national, and international levels over water safety, distributing messages through media or the internet, stating the facts about water, educational events based on the importance of clean water and conservative competitions. The symbol of the World Water Day celebration is the Blue color water drop shape. While celebrating it, don’t forget to take photos with others and share these pictures on social media by using #WorldWaterDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy World Water Day 2024.