World Humanitarian Day (WHD) is observed annually on August 19. The day is commemorated in a manner to pay tribute to those workers who put their lives in danger working for humanitarian causes from all over the world. Humanitarian aid workers provide help for millions and millions of people from around the world. They are selflessly working individuals who stand on the front lines during war and disaster without identifying who they are and where they are. The humanitarian aid workers will face great dangers and difficulties while delivering support to those who need it the most. Celebrating the day is another way of praising the people who help other people. So honor the personalities who risk their lives in providing such aid. World Humanitarian Day is an awareness day proposed with an aim to sensitize the public about humanitarian assistance worldwide.
“A person who has sympathy for mankind in the lump, faith in its future progress, and desire to serve the great cause of this progress, should be called not a humanist, but a humanitarian, and his creed may be designated as humanitarianism.” – Irving Babbitt
History of World Humanitarian Day
World Humanitarian Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2008. The day was first observed on 19 August 2009. The date was precisely chosen in memory of the Canal Hotel bombing in Baghdad held on the same date in the year 2003. The incident marked the death of twenty-two people who lost their lives, including Sergio Vieira de Mello, who was the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and also the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Iraq. Sergio, who was born in Brazel, had worked tirelessly for more than three decades. He indulged in helping those victims of the armed conflict by curing their injuries. He had also been an active part who attempted to pull the blueprint for the official designation of World Humanitarian Day. The vital part of his campaign had created awareness and teach people about the value of life as it is more than war and death. The day was established officially as a form of recognizing Sergio and the thousands like him who had served people every day to make the world a better place to live in. They tirelessly and timelessly worked for the less fortunate, the underprivileged, and those who were living in areas of battle, starvation, and epidemic. These humanitarian aid people struggle every day to survive against the odds, and they choose to bring support to those who are in danger. The United Nations invites all the Member States, the entities of the United Nations system, within the existing resources, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations to observe the day every year in an appropriate manner. Starting from the second observance and in the subsequent years, World Humanitarian Day has focused on a particular theme.

Other celebrations on August 19
August 19 is also celebrated as
- International Orangutan Day
- National Aviation Day
- International Bow Day
- National Potato Day
- World Photo Day
- World Honey Bee Day
- Break the Monotony Day
- International Geocaching Day
- International Homeless Animal’s Day
How to Celebrate World Humanitarian Day
World Humanitarian Day can be celebrated in the best way by spending the time to support the people who are poor and in need of support. You can become a volunteer or humanitarian by providing help to those needy people. Let yourself become a part of any NGO or charitable organization and work for the people. You can educate and spread awareness to make people around you know the plight of the situations in the world. Support a cause and share pictures with your friends to let them notice it. You can post your pictures on social media using the hashtag #WorldHumanitarianDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy World Humanitarian Day 2023.