That Sucks Day is observed all over the United States on April 14 of every year. The day is to celebrate people’s failure, incompetence, dissatisfaction, anger management, apathy, frustration, vengeance, chaos, sarcasm, buffoonery, and all things that suck. Most people feel that this day sucks because the next day April 14 is National Tax Day, and people usually end up working until the last minute to file their income taxes. It is a day to accept the reality of life and try being positive through times of bad days, annoying situations, heartbreaks, etc. So accept the fact that a lot of experiences in one’s life suck and the day is a reminder to be more optimistic and happy.
“It sucks being judged by the world instead of your close friends or family. I try to just realise that the only people who matter are my family and friends.” – Kylie Jenner
History of That Sucks Day
That Sucks Day is a weird holiday created by Bruce Novotny to express the things that suck in his life. Novotny owns a website( that tells people about everything that sucks in one’s life. It’s a humorous website, and the opinion may differ from one another. This day has been observed annually on April 14th since 2005. This day has its icon: A cranky curmudgeon named Sir Isuck Newton. There is no particular reason for selecting this day. He wanted this day to celebrate all the things that suck in the world.

Other Celebrations on April 14
April 14 is also celebrated as
How to celebrate the day
Novotny suggests people celebrate That Sucks Day by holding a rotten Easter egg hunt or playing Pin the Tail on the human. But make sure you do not let this day suck. Never ruin your entire day for those unfortunate things that probably took only 5 minutes of your day. Things happen, life sucks at times, but life is still amazing to live. Don’t forget to file your taxes in advance to make sure this day goes smoothly. Just throw all the negativity away and enjoy the day. Post pictures and share your That Sucks Day celebrations on social media by using the hashtag #ThatSucksDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy That Sucks Day 2024.