Stay Out Of The Sun Day is celebrated on July 3 of every year. The day encourages everyone to stay indoors in their comfortable attire and do some relaxing activities all day. On this day give your skin a break from the sun and heat. Overexposure to the sun may cause many problems like sunburn, dehydration, damaged skin, speeding up the aging process, skin cancer, and a lot more. But a moderate exposure to the sun is necessary for healthy skin and to gain a good amount of Vitamin D. This day is all about keeping yourself away from the damaging rays of the sun and also for looking after yourself by staying in a shady place. Different ways to protect your skin against the sun is by making sure that you have bottles of water, sunshades, umbrellas, and visiting of sun protection cream. This day falls in July because it’s when the sun is directly over our heads and it’s the middle of summer with a high temperature. Enjoy the day in the shade with a hammock and a cocktail.
“Stay out of the sun, because it is the worst thing in terms of aging. I’m very medical. I come from a medical family.” – Nicole Kidman
History of Stay Out Of The Sun Day
The history behind the origination of the Stay Out Of The Sun Day is not clear. But it is assumed to be created to spread awareness to people about the link between skin cancer and the sun. July 4th is a holiday marked to do outdoor activities, so Stay Out Of The Sun Day is created before the day to warn people about the risks of being overexposed to the sun. A very little sun can also cause vitamin D deficiency, skeletal deformities, muscular weakness, and frail bones. So it is necessary for everyone to have a balanced exposure to the sun. A familiar slogan is adopted in a few countries to celebrate the day which says ‘slip, slop, slap’ – slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, and slap on a hat.

Other Celebrations on July 3
July 3 is also celebrated as
- National Eat Your Beans Day
- Disobedience Day
- National Chocolate Wafer Day
- International Plastic Bag Free Day
- National Compliment Your Mirror Day
How to celebrate the day
Celebrate the stay out of the sun day by doing a small research on the reasons to stay out of the sun. Spend this day by staying indoors and planning some fun activities with your friends. Give a rest to your skin from the sun, pollution, and dust. Use this day productively to finish all uncompleted work. Learn about the impacts of the sun on your skin, the good and bad. You can take this day as an opportunity to be at home and spend some time with your family and kids. Post pictures and share your Stay Out Of The Sun Day celebrations on social media by using the hashtag #StayOutOfTheSunDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with, and Happy Stay Out Of The Sun Day 2023.