Show And Tell At Work Day is an annual fun celebration observed on January 8th of each year. Being an adult, one would have been sure to miss the kindergarten days in which one has an opportunity to show off and tell things. Those who feel this absence at the workplace now get a chance to reminisce the good old days of being a child with a unique celebration Day on the calendar. Maturity must not halt anyone from enjoying a few things from childhood, and so with the Show and Tell at Work Day. It is the best Day to show off something which you feel is significant and ask your coworker to show his/hers.
“I show off – I’m a very good show off. It’s what I do, it’s what I’m good at.” – Robbie Williams
History of Show And Tell At Work Day
The Show And Tell At Work Day was established by the Thomas and Ruth Roy of There is no mention of the year from which this Day has been officially celebrated. Thomas and Ruth have come up with such a celebration since the students in school have a chance to show and tell which adults miss in their office. As to make the adults enjoy and get to do the same as childhood activities, this Day has been created. All those adults are given fun opportunities to play a show and tell like the school kids. Share and show off what you want to with your colleagues, as this Day is the perfect excuse time to act like a kid.

Other Celebrations on January 8
January 8 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate Show And Tell At Work Day
You can share your views about anything which you feel is appropriate. Got the latest phone? Then you can show it off to your colleagues and tell them its unique features. Showing off doesn’t only need to be a thing, on the other hand, it could even be your thoughts and views about an interesting subject too. You can make your coworker know about this wonderful celebration Day. Make all of your college friends show off their things or thoughts. Don’t forget to show and tell on social media. Use the hashtag #ShowAndTellAtWorkDay to share your celebration moments.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy Show And Tell At Work Day 2024.