On August 8th of every year, National Happiness Happens Day is celebrated. The day aims to spread the joy of being happy and making others happy. Just let happiness happen by itself on this pleasant day. Also, this day aims to stimulate people’s right to expressing happiness.
“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. – Jim Ron”
History of Happiness Happens Day
Founded in the year 1999 by the Secret Society of Happy People as “Admit You’re Happy Day”, Happiness Happens Day was created to identify and express happiness. August 8 was chosen as it is the anniversary of the 1st member in the year 1998. The holiday is based on the premise that happiness is unlimited and contagious and that sharing one’s happiness and can bring a lot of joy to other people’s lives. In 2000, the Society expanded the celebration of happiness and declared August as Happiness Happens Month.

Other Celebrations on August 8
August 8 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate Happiness Happens Day
Happiness is contagious, so if you’re happy, tell someone! If someone else is happy, listen to them! Happiness Happens Day encourages people to take stock of their lives and try to do and think about things that make them happy and to share this joy with others. You can celebrate this day by sharing your happy moments on the social forums with the hashtag #HappinessHappensDay.
Thanks for visiting our site Happy National Happiness Happens Day 2023!