International Mud Day is celebrated on June 29 of every year. This is a day to connect people with nature. The main aim of the day is to connect children around the world through the earth by playing in the mud. Plenty of research has revealed that coming into contact with a specific amount of bacteria in Mud is good for us, as it helps build up immunity, as opposed to living in a virtually sterile condition, which makes our bodies very vulnerable.
“The problem is not scientifically illiterate kids; it is scientifically illiterate adults. Kids are born curious about the natural world. They are always turning over rocks, jumping with two feet into mud puddles and playing with the tablecloth and fine china.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
History of International Mud Day
Gillian McAuliffe, the founder of Bold Park Community School in Perth, found herself at the World Forum for Early Childhood Care and Education in 2008. There she had a conversation with a colleague from Nepal about the challenges faced by children while playing in the mud. On the aircraft, while returning from the Forum, She examined the obstacles that stood between children and their ability to enjoy the simple, natural act of playing in Mud. When she returned to Perth, she shared her experience with a large group of 7 and 8-year-olds. Then they decided to fundraise to purchase clothes for Nepal children, so that they could play in the mud together. Their funds raised over $1000, which paid for new clothes for the children in Nepal, Bishnu, where the International Mud Day event was held for the Panchkhal orphanage. From there, on June 29th, kids all over the world observed International Mud Day as a way to connect and celebrate the natural joys of playing in the mud.

Other Celebrations on June 29
June 29 is also celebrated as
- National Statistics Day
- National Camera Day
- National Waffle Iron Day
- National Almond Butter Crunch Day
- International Day of the Tropics
- National Bomb Pop Day
How to celebrate International Mud Day
There are several ways to celebrate International Mud Day, but all of them should have a common goal of “Getting Dirty.” You can also organize international mud day activities and enjoy them with your friends. If you have a garden, you can just mix some earth with water and check carefully to make sure that there’s no animal poo in it though. Ask your parents to take pictures while you are playing on Mud and share them with others on social media by using the hashtag #InternationalMudDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy International Mud Day 2023.