Crayola Crayon Day is an annual fun celebration observed on March 31st of every year. Your childhood drawings would range from the hut to mountains and flowers. Of course, all of them are picture-perfect as with the crayon coloring you have done. Crayola Crayon is one of the most famous crayon companies that has introduced some 400 colors of crayons. The different shades of violet to the red color of the Crayola Crayon will meet all your drawing needs and is safe to use. So coloring any pictures with multiple colors is made simple with the introduction of crayons. Why wait? Let out your inner child to draw your imagination and color it with the Crayola Crayons to make them joyful.
“Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-colour boxes, but what you’re really looking for are the 64-colour boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-colour box, though I’ve got a few missing.” – John Mayer
History of Crayola Crayon Day
The origin, history, and the year when the day was celebrated are unknown. The creator of the organization that came up with such a celebration Day is also not known. However, the history of Crayola Crayon dates back to the 1900s. The production of Crayola Crayon was introduced in the year 1903 by Binney & Smith Company of Easton to the world of artists. One of the founders of Binney & Smith Company, Edwin Binney, when working with his wife, Alice Stead Binney, had begun his own famous product line of wax crayons on June 10, 1903.

The crayons have since been sold under the brand name Crayola. The name Crayola was coined by Alice Binney, who was a former schoolteacher. It comes from the French word craie, which means “chalk,” and ola means “oleaginous” or “oily.” Since then, Crayola Crayon has got a core set of 120 crayon colors and is extending its number. The Crayola Crayon has also come out with many unique sets of crayons ranging from metallic colored crayons to gem tones colors and scented ones.
Other Celebrations on March 31
March 31 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate the Day
Get to know about the Crayola Crayon and its different shades. Take a coloring book and start coloring it using the different shades of crayon. Use the different shades of the Crayola Crayon in your picture to make the picture a bright, colorful, and beautiful one. Unleash your creativity by mixing up the colors, and the celebration will not end until your coloring imagination stops. Encourage children around to color and turn this Day into a fun celebration. If you are an artist, then conduct a competition for your children and make them color it. Award prizes for the best picture. You can share your coloring pictures on social media using the hashtag #CrayolaCrayonDay.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy Crayola Crayon Day 2024.